Sunlight streaming through clouds.

As you spring forward for Daylight Savings Time, why not change more than your clock? Now is a great opportunity to shed some extra light on your everyday expenses and discover new avenues for savings. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical strategies to find more savings on everyday budget items, helping you make the most of the longer days—and your finances. 

Illuminate Your Budget

Start by taking a closer look at your budget. List out your monthly expenses and identify areas where you can cut back or optimize. Subscriptions can be especially subversive; it’s so easy to sign up for “subscribe and save” or a free trial that you forget to cancel. This can include items from Amazon; streaming services; and apps for health/wellness, music, and more. Also look at gym memberships and grocery delivery services and decide if the cost aligns with actual usage. 

Because there are various avenues to sign up for apps, subscriptions, and other services, the charges can be hard to find if you aren’t paying close attention. So, In addition to reviewing individual accounts, take a look at your bank account to see all monthly debits. Odds are, you’re paying fees for services you could do without. Assess where you’re getting the most bang for your buck and cancel those you rarely use. 

Harness the Power of Daylight for Energy Savings

Daylight Savings Time brings longer days and more natural light. Use this to your advantage by reducing your reliance on artificial lighting and appliances. Make a habit of turning off lights in unoccupied rooms. Instead of flipping the On switch when you enter a room, open curtains to let in natural light instead. 

Also pay close attention to energy consumption. Many devices and appliances will use energy even if they aren’t in use. Energy usage will vary, but every little bit of savings helps, so make sure to unplug hairdryers, coffee pots, tablets, toaster ovens, game consoles—basically anything you don’t use regularly and can quickly plug in when you need it. Not only will this help trim down your monthly energy bills, but it will also contribute to environmental sustainability. 

Spring Clean Your Shopping and Eating Habits

Embrace the spirit of spring cleaning in your shopping routine. Look for discounts, promotions, and loyalty programs that can help you save on groceries, household items, and other essentials. Stick to a shopping list to avoid impulse purchases. Buy in bulk when possible. While you might log a few extra miles on your car to bargain shop at different stores, the savings at the cash register is likely to make up for it. 

With more daylight comes the season of planting. Consider growing your own vegetables, even if it’s a small potted garden on your porch. You’ll be surprised by how much you save when you grow your own produce (plus you’ll have extra to share with friends and neighbors!). Growing your own veggies might sound intimidating, but it’s pretty straightforward when you start with seedlings from a local nursery. 

Make the Most of Longer Evenings

As the evenings get longer, use your energy—both literal and figurative—well. Go outside for a walk instead of using your treadmill. Cook dinner on a gas or charcoal grill outside instead of using electricity to run the stove and lights inside. Read a book on your porch instead of watching TV. And how about going vintage with your laundry: Hang your clothes out to dry instead of using the dryer! 

Daylight Savings Time is more than just a shift in the clock;  it’s a chance to shed light on your best financial path. By following our simple tips, you’ll make those longer days count by discovering additional savings on everyday expenses. Spring forward into a season of financial growth and well being!

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Photo by Brett Sayles: