This year is turning out to be one of great growth here at Sqwire. To that end, we’re pleased to announce that Madan Menon has joined the team as COO. Madan’s collaborative, visionary spirit will undoubtedly be an incredible asset to our continued growth and innovation. Did we mention he once had a pet elephant in India? Madan is full of surprises! Read on to learn more about him and his approach to business. 

With nearly two decades in tech leadership roles, you know the industry inside and out. What made Sqwire stand out to you?

With over 20 years of experience in the tech industry, I have witnessed firsthand the evolution of many technologies. The capability to deliver products and services has significantly improved, while the associated costs have decreased drastically. This advancement has made numerous value-added programs far more accessible. 

The potential for making a meaningful impact at the grassroots level drew me to Squire. The platform’s ability to effect change on an individual level is incredibly compelling. Additionally, the scalability of the platform is particularly exciting, offering vast opportunities for growth and influence.

Sqwire leans heavily on relationships to grow our business and maintain our reputation. How do you plan to integrate our relationship-centric model as the new COO?

As a serial entrepreneur, I have learned the critical importance of networking. As Chief Operating Officer, I will engage with many people, both familiar and new. My objective is to explore and maximize how Squire can provide value and be a valuable asset to them. I also adhere to the principle of “Always Be Selling” (ABS), a strategy that has proven highly effective.

In tandem, these two elements of my approach build a relationship to provide long-term value to a customer and their customers, in turn creating an effective ecosystem.

Given your background in mentoring startups and advising on fundraising and growth strategies, how do you intend to leverage these skills in your new role?

Sqwire is at a very interesting inflection point. We have a great product, an amazing team, and an amazing set of customers. My job is to help nurture that by providing the team with tools to grow and customers with avenues to leverage our platform to increase engagement and retention. While doing all this, I intend to make the most of my experience and exercise financial prudence to map out sustainable, manageable growth. The Sqwire mission is powerful, and knowledge without action is meaningless. So, my goal is to create a sustainable trifecta: growth, value, and profit.

What is your favorite part of what you do?

The best part of my job is being able to work with such an amazing team on a meaningful product that is effecting real change, one person at a time. That’s the rush! 

Tell us about yourself outside of work.  

Oh my, that’s a long answer! My goal is to learn something new every year: So far, I’ve picked up learning the guitar, flying, and many more, but I especially love cycling. I try to get a ride in every day; I am training for a triathlon, but that’s where it stops…I’m just training, haha.

I love spending time with my wife and son. We have a lot of hobbies in common—biking, swimming, hiking, cooking—so it’s fun. I love volunteering and participating in activities that allow me to give back. I love animals and serve on the board of the International Wolf Center in Ely, Minnesota.

Sqwire is on a mission to help people take control of their financial future. We partner with businesses, organizations, and solopreneurs to provide our SqwireLife platform to employees and customers. Let’s talk about how you can provide them with FREE access to 70+ lessons on personal finance topics, from insurance to investing to retirement and more!