Meet our Team
Whether it’s tailoring a webinar for your group’s specific needs, or developing online courses and exercises, we’re ready to help you make the most of your investment. We’ll leverage every bit of our combined experience with securities, entrepreneurism, Wall Street, communications, and education. With years of service in government, non-profit, and business, we’re well suited to understand your specific needs and rise to meet them.
A Message from our Founder and CEO
Danijel Velicki
I came to the U.S. as a 17-year-old immigrant kid in 1995 with a vision of the American Dream in my heart and Coolio on my Walkman. I had just $40 in my pocket at the time. That’s it. I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I wasn’t going home and this had to work. I know what’s possible. You can come from nothing and become something. I’ve lived it.
It takes the right support system, people you can trust to answer the tough questions, and a commitment to never giving up. I want to be sure every person in this country gets the same opportunity I did and has access to a team of people that are truly invested in their everyday success.
When I’m not dreaming up better ways to make sure the people around me have access to everything they need to win at life, I’m at home with my family. My wife, Melissa, is everything to me, and providing the very best that I can for our children – daughter, Maja, and twins, Ella and Noah – is my life’s purpose. I love CrossFit, Shawn Mendes (don’t hate!), and visiting my Mom back in Croatia as often as we can.
Madan Menon
Chief Operating Officer
Jeff Stasko
SVP of Product & Marketing
Michael Toms
VP of Sales
Richard A. Castleberry
Regional Manager, Western Region
Lyndsay Krueger
Client Relationship Specialist
Our Content Contributors
Casey Halliley
Curriculum Development
Seth Stone, Ph. D.
Curriculum Developement
Elroy Tatem, Ph. D.
Curriculum Development
Wanda Lewis
Video Production
“Do we stay and fight or do we give up and go?”
“That day is frozen in time. Every detail is permanently etched in my mind. The knowledge that something was wrong smacked me right in the face the second that I walked through the door.”
– An excerpt from Your Life is a Blank Canvas
Right now, you can download Danijel’s incredible life story for FREE.
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